Stewart Goldberg has been a friend of mine for many a year and on social media he is often very outspoken on various topics and not afraid to say his thoughts on matters of the day. I thought it would be good fun and most interesting to have him on as a guest along with my partner in chatty crime, Mr Pinto, to shoot the breeze, smell the cheese and see what’s cooking in the world!
Here’s Stewart in his own words:
“Hi I’m Stew. Not lamb Stew. Just annoying Stew. The one you like to taste, but can’t make yourself. Because you’re too afraid or possible ignorant of the ingredients. Whilst I don’t necessarily think BBCOVID19 is a hoax or made up, I certainly consider the media hysteria and public acceptance an entity of great concern. I like to maintain a healthy degree of scepticism if anything I read unless proven unequivocally (like gravity) and find it patronising painful that people mindlessly bleat supposed facts regarding mask wearing and transmission of something that the world health organisation can’t even make up their own minds about yet. “
You can view the live stream on these platforms: