“I grew up in house where both parents were DJs, so there was always music around. I started playing drums as a teenager, and I used to sneak into gigs far too young, and then that was all I wanted to do. I played with anyone that would have me and started my own band 23 years ago, and we’re still going. Along the way I picked up some guitar and I sing a bit too, and I’ve carried on DJing just to make sure I never have to suffer Saturday night telly. I now play a mix of functions and pub gigs with the band, as well as solo and duo guitar/singing gigs.”
This will be the first time i get this hunky piece of music meat in my studio for a ruddy good bash out of tunes and giggles, looking forward to it! :-D
Direct link to youtube event here: https://youtube.com/live/qBtrSJ-zk4M
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You are always welcome, you are always appreciated xxx
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“When life appears all dark and grey, bumfoolery will light the way.”