Why the sudden interest in Endometriosis Mike?
As some of you may have seen if you’ve been following my various channels and outlets, you may have noticed a sudden influx of video interviews regarding the subject of Endometriosis…”A tad random for a channel usually filled with musical nincompoopship and fart-aboutyness michael?” you might say, and you would be right!
Well, here’s the deal!
Within maybe the last year it has been brought to my attention some information and awareness of a horrible affliction that is affecting 1 in 10 women in the western world. It is still relatively new and unexplored in the realms of medicine and is fairly unknown in the minds of the common people, but it is a disease that has symptoms and effects that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy! What is even more disturbing than the actual physical symptoms themselves, is that there seems to be a huge trend in women not getting the help they need, not being believed when it comes to the seriousness of their symptoms and a general attitude of being fobbed off with “women’s problems” by medical services. The more I learn about this and the more I hear the stories of those who suffer with this, the more disturbed and simply aghast I become. In this modern age we live in, the fact that sufferers are having to jump through hoops, scream and shout and push so hard to even be taken seriously is just despicable, making me want to do whatever I can to help raise awareness, give people a platform to tell their story, or simply share information.
I am hoping to conduct a total of 10 interviews, 9 with actual sufferers and 1 with a medical professional who works in the field of Endo. The last is a long shot, but I’m going to give it a go as I think to have someone who see’s what’s going on from the frontlines, so to speak, would be immensely beneficial.
I have 6 interviews booked, with some already conducted and up on YouTube. So please, if you have the time and the inclination, check them out. There is still a drastic inequality when it comes to how women are treated in various aspects of society, this I feel being a prime example and something that really needs addressing.
Lets take care of each other ok, life is hard enough and to get through it we need to have each others backs whenever we can xxx