Hello my little darlings, i hope you are all keeping well and hopefully have managed to keep safe during this hellspawned situation we all find ourselves in!

So this is what’s been happening this end. I’ve been re-working the stream with new ideas, new designs and graphics and trying to come up with a new way of doing things. As the situation really doesn’t allow me to have guests, co-presenters or anybody over in the studio owing to the risk being to high, the streams unless they are interviews via zoom or skype, will just be me on my tod. I shall be doing my utmost to entertain you all in what ever silly fashion i can fathom to create some light relief from the current goings on. So i am pleased to announce that regular Saturday streams will be recommencing, starting this coming Saturday at 9pm. These will continue until lockdown eases and live gigs start happening again, in which case the streams will shift to Wednesdays.

Also I have been talking to my old comrades of my band “Guardians of Andromeda” from years past about finally finishing the album we had put on hiatus years ago, so keep an eye out for news on that!

Apart from that, its been a case of trying to make ends meet, not let the lockdown take its toll and trying not to let not seeing you lovely bunch bring me down to much. I truly miss you all and cannot wait to see you all in the flesh once its safe to do so for the biggest cuddles you will have ever had in your life!

Stay safe out there ok…Be sensible, be sexy, be all the things that make this world worth fighting for!

Love to you all xxxxxx

Mikey V.B

Ohhhh, nearly forgot! If you want to check out the old Guardians Of Andromeda album, it should be available any day soon from spotify to stream!