Due to various workloads and various bits and bobs getting in the way, we were delayed in bringing you our easter special show. But finally its here and we have a whole host of songs for you with a godly/demonic theme for you to get your ears around :)
Also we finally get to play the request for Paul Gage, “Am I Evil?” by Diamondhead!!!
Direct link to youtube event here: https://youtube.com/live/xUHi6Qui1MI
You can find our full songlist here at:
Should you wish to support the stream, you can make a donation https://streamlabs.com/vonbeardingham/tip
Also check out Simons Website https://simonjpinto.com
You are always welcome, you are always appreciated xxx
You can view the live stream on these platforms:
“When life appears all dark and grey, bumfoolery will light the way.”